The Festival has a history of great success. Conducted for the past 17 years, the Dumbo Street Fest is attracting thousands of people every single year. Among innovative and ambitious works of art, over 40 artists and entrepreneurs from Poland will be presenting their works. The artworks and products are adjusted to fit the diverse New York audience. Age does not matter! There will be something for adults and something for children.
Renata Jaworska, Marcin Kapron, Marta Kawecka, Jolanta Martyna Pielka - Kether, Ella Kolanowska, Patrycja Korzeniak, Bernice Sokol-Kramer, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Wojciech Kubik….
In the Little Poland stand you will find: wooden toys, ceramics, jewelry, paintings, graphics, photographs, clothes, linen products and furniture. Additionally, movies promoting Poland and Polish cities will be displayed. The festival will take place between 26-28 September. You are welcomed to visit Little Poland located at 160 Water Street at the following times:
From 3:00pm till 10:00pm on Friday, 26 September;
From 10:00am till 09:00pm on Saturday, 27 September.